

Disposing of human waste safely and hygienically

New advances in sluice room technology mean that hospitals can improve their infection prevention and control procedures – while still saving money and reducing carbon emissions, according to ‘world-class’ infection prevention and control specialist, DDC Dolphin. The company’s Marketing and HR director, Zoe Allen, outlines the latest new opportunities available to NHS Trusts.

‘Thinking outside the box’ in reducing HAIs

Thought-provoking presentations on a number of aspects of reducing healthcare-associated infections – ranging from the challenges of cleaning and decontaminating surgical instruments, to a company’s development of a range of compostable, single-use aprons made from a bio-resin – featured at a Central Sterilising Club Study Day, focused on the theme, ‘Dare to Defy the Dogma’. Louise Frampton, editor of HEJ’s sister title, The Clinical Services Journal, reports.

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